Climbing / Mountaineering

What does climbing mean to me?

All this intensity of emotions. Uncertainty and doubt before starting a route, then confidence and the feeling that you can do whatever you want if you only try hard enough. It is followed by a complete exhaustion, anger, surrender and resignation. This is the part I appreciate the most, because it helps to build your character. You will suffer, you will be tired, your muscles will hurt, but you need to commit and believe in yourself. Then comes the best part, when you actually finish a route, do the last couple of moves, last ‘technical knee’ and you’re at the top. You’ve achieved a goal set not so long ago. This is the intensity I like. The results (whether success or failure) come straight away and you can work hard and see the improvement.

What do I love about mountains?

I still cannot decide, what do I love more. Mountains or oceans. I don’t think I will ever find an answer for this. And probably that is why I love Fiords, where I have access to both. Mountains, as well as oceans teach me respect towards nature. I have been raised in a feeling, that I need to understand the power of those two and never disregard it. The weather changes unexpectedly in mountains and on oceans and people die in both environments. You need to respect certain rules and everything shall be fine and you will be safe. Just like with climbing, I love mountaineering, because you need to pay a lot of effort to achieve what you want. You need to commit, overcome pain and fatigue and wait patiently. Then comes the reward. Astonishing beauty of mountainous landscapes, the wind at the top that makes you feel alive, and will to explore and achieve more summits. In some cases a reward would also be to put the tour skis and ski down from where you have climbed to. A truly amazing feeling! There is nobody except you and nature.  Fresh snow under skis, icicles and hoarfrost on the trees, red clod cheeks, speed and pure happiness is guaranteed.

Other Climbing/ Mountaineering related posts:

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